Beiträge von Till

    Hallo hier und da, ich wollte nur mal meinen neuesten Songtext raushauen und gleichzeitig ne Frage stellen (von der ich hoffe, dass ich mindestens 1 Antwort darauf bekomme :D )
    Ich bin mir noch unschlüssig, welchen Titel ich für den Text nehmen soll, ich schwanke zwischen The Same Mistake und Sources. The Same Mistake wäre natürlich textnäher, Sources im Gegensatz dazu erst durch ein wenig nachdenken sinnvoll. Ich versuch das hier einfach mal als Experiment, und in wenigen Monaten werdet ihr dann entweder den Song The Same Mistake oder Sources zu hören bekommen. :D
    Wäre mir/uns wirklich eine große Hilfe und ein netter Gefallen! :)

    Sources/The Same Mistake

    How many times do we have to crush the hope our dreams create,
    The ruins we build in our nightmares?
    Until we realize, reality doesn't work like a sleeping stream
    Because mistakes don't create any effects in a dream

    So how many times do we have to scream, to long and to yearn for something to change?

    There's no answer to the question you ask yourself
    There's no release from the pain that you feel.
    Life will never create a perfect circle as we keep doing the same mistake
    There's no protection from the voices you hear, son
    And there is nothing I could ever change
    No one else can teach you a lesson, if you can't even teach you a lesson yourself.

    We scream, we pray, we die for the pain to go away.
    We scream (we scream),
    We pray (we pray),
    We die (we die) for the pain to go away.

    We look at life, we're staring at an ocean
    An ocean of wrong decisions to make.
    Our heart lies in the depths of this waving ocean
    And that's why we'll always keep doing the same mistake.

    Don't ever trust the people that hurt you,
    Stay away from those who pull you down.
    The allure may make you sick but you know,
    Staying strong was always the best for you.

    There's no answer to the question you ask yourself
    There's no release from the pain that you feel.
    Life will never create a perfect circle as we keep doing the same mistake
    There's no protection from the voices you hear, son
    And there is nothing I could ever change
    No one else can teach you a lesson, if you can't even teach you a lesson yourself.

    We scream, we pray, we die for the pain to go away.
    We scream (we scream),
    We pray (we pray),
    We die (we die) for the pain to go away.

    To change your fate is no one's duty but your's
    You're the only one to save yourself.
    Better times will come and make you feel rejoice,
    Dark days will pass and release you from your pain.

    Habe wirklich viel Arbeit und Zeit in diesen Text investiert, von daher wäre ich umso froher, wenn ich eine Antwort erhalten würde. Ich danke schonmal optimistisch im Voraus.

    Lalala, ich hab eure EP heute bekommen :D
    Ist wirklich richtig richtig gut geworden, vor allem The Hunt und No Light haben's mir angetan. Aber sie is wirklich rundum extrem schick geworden, großes Lob an den Zahni und die anderen tollen Menschen :D

    Ich geb dann auch mal meinen Senf hier dazu, 1-2 Bewertungen fänd ich nett und ich bin auch äußerst offen für Kritik! :D

    Mist Creature

    I am a creature made of mist and hate and greed and selfishness
    I came to take your life away 'cause you consist of positive
    Lay down your heart, your love, your happiness
    Take away all the aspects that nobody will miss
    Just become another stitch in the wound, another drop in the ocean
    Another fissure in my world.

    There is black, there is white
    And there is nothing inbetween
    So go and choose your side, as human plagues seem to overcome this world
    And everything that you fought for
    Don't let them take you down, you are more than this.

    I am minus
    I came to take your...
    I am minus
    I came to take your...

    I am a creature made of mist and envy, wrath and recklessness
    I came to make you take a step, to see that you create this mess
    Nothing is true, the system corrupts you day by day
    So burn down your world, just let the ruins remain
    Just become another stitch in the wound, another drop in the ocean
    Another burden of the world.

    There is black, there is white
    And there is nothing inbetween
    So go and choose your side, as human plagues seem to overcome this world
    And everything that you fought for
    Don't let them take you down, you are more than this.

    I am minus
    I came to take your...
    I am minus
    You can't escape me
    I am minus
    I came to make you rot in hell
    I am minus
    I came to take your life away

    There is black, there is white
    And I am inbetween
    You can't run from your answers, so follow me
    Your decisions won't ever become undone
    So never fortify, never fortify.


    Hoe In The Mirror

    This is not the way things work, bitch.
    You think that you can break my heart and get away without payback?

    Over and over and over again, we went through the same shit as everyone... else.
    Over and over and over again.

    If there is anything on this earth, which lasts forever, it is nothing
    So please be my nothing, darling
    If there is anything on this earth, which lasts forever, it is nothing
    So please be mine.

    It seems that one day you decided to leave me for no reason
    So you really think that you can break me down and leave me, you fucking hoe?

    Break down!

    If there is anything, which lasts forever, it is nothing
    So please be my nothing, darling
    If there is anything on this earth, which lasts forever, it is nothing
    So please be mine.

    All the others say that nothing remains the same and it remains in the end
    So there should be, there should be a way to find back home.
    And be nothing forever.

    There should be a way to find back home.